Why expanding earth? : a book in honour of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg : proceedings of the 3rd Lautenthaler Montanistisches colloquium held in Lautenthal, Mining industry museum, on May 26, 2001
Roma : ©INGV, 2003
Campo | Valore |
Descrizione | Why expanding earth? : a book in honour of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg : proceedings of the 3rd Lautenthaler Montanistisches colloquium held in Lautenthal, Mining industry museum, on May 26, 2001 / edited by Giancarlo Scalera, Karl-Heinz Jacob ; under the auspices of Technical university of Berlin ... et al. - Roma : ©INGV, 2003. - 465 p. : ill. ; 24 cm |
Autori |
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Numeri |
ID scheda | 143580 |
Permalink | https://opac.inaf.it/?ids=143580 |
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