The work of Hertz : and some of his successors : being the substance of a lecture delivered at the Royal Institution on Friday evening, June 1, 1894
London : The Electrician Print. and Publ. Company, 1894
Campo | Valore |
Descrizione | The work of Hertz : and some of his successors : being the substance of a lecture delivered at the Royal Institution on Friday evening, June 1, 1894 / by prof. Oliver Lodge. - London : The Electrician Print. and Publ. Company, 1894. - o/58, 15 p., ill., ritr. ; 22 cm |
Note |
o/Reprinted from The Electrician
Autori |
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Lingua | |
ID scheda | 86102 |
Permalink | |
Biblioteca | Inv. | Collocazione | Note | Prestabilità | Stato | Prenotazioni |
OAMI | PREG OAMB286 | 19O.173. | Inv. Merate: 6.2.201. | Ammesso al prestito | A scaffale | Nessuna |