Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi) Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi)

The reduction and publication of observations of minor planets and comets

Edinburgh : Neill and Co.
Copertina  The reduction and publication of observations of minor planets and comets
Copie: 1
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Descrizione The reduction and publication of observations of minor planets and comets / by G. Merton : all'interno : La reduction et la publications dees observations de petites planetes et de comete ; traduction des recommendations M.N, 85, pag. 519 : Reduktion und Veroffentlichung von Beobachtungen Kleiner Planeten und Kometen ; Ubersetzung der Vorschlage M.N, 85 pag. 519. - Edinburgh : Neill and Co.
ID scheda 91246
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