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An account of the total eclipse of the sun on September 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru
/ by lieut. J. M. Gilliss
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Argon : a new constituent of the atmosphere
/ by Lord Rayleigh ; and professor William Ramsay
; 1033
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Astronomical observations in the Arctic seas : made during the second Grinnell expedition in search of sir John Franklin, in 1853, 1854 and 1855, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, and other points in the vicinity of the Northwest coast of Geernland
/ by Elisha Kent Kane ; reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott
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Atmospheric actinometry : and the actinic constitution of the atmosphere
/ by E. Duclaux
; 1034
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Certain storms in Europe and America : December 1836
/ by Elias Loomis
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The composition of expired air : and its effects upon animal life
/ by J. S. Billings ; S. Weir Mitchell ; and D. H. Bergey
; 989
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A determination of the ratio (x) of the specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume for air, oxygen, carbon-dioxide, and hydrogen
/ by O. Lummer ; and E. Pringsheim
; 1126
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Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part 1.: Investigatio of the eleven year period in the amplitude of the solar-diurnal variation and of the disturbances of the magnetic declination
/ by A. D. Bache
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Experiments with ionized air
/ by Carl Barus
; 1309
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New tables for determining the values of the coefficients in the perturbative function of planetary motion which depend upon the ratio of the mean distances
/ by John D. Runkle
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Observations on terrestrial magnetism in Mexico
/ conducted under the direction of Baron von Muller ; with notes and illustrations of an examination of the volcano Popocatepetl and its vicinity by August Sonntag
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On the recent secular period of the aurora borealis
/ by Denison Olmsted
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On the relative intensity of the heat and light of the Sun upon different latitudes of the Earth
/ by L. W. Meech
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The orbit and phenomena of a meteoric fire-ball seen July 20, 1860
/ by James H. Coffin
; 221
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Results of meteorological observations : made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859, inclusive
/ by S. P. Hildreth : to wich are added results of observations taken at Marietta, by Mr. Joseph Wood, between 1817 and 1823 ; reduced and discussed (...) by Charles A. Schott
; 120
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The tangencies of circles and of spheres
/ by Benjamin Alvord
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Tidal observations in the Arctic seas : made during the second Grinnell expedition in search of sir John Franklin, in 1853, 1854 and 1855, at Van Rensselaer Harbor
/ by Elisha Kent Kane ; reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott
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Transatlantic longitude : as determined by the coast survey expedition of 1866 : a report to the superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey
/ by Benjamin Apthorp Gould
; 223
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The Transatlantic longitude, as determined by the Coast Survey expedition of 1866 : a report to the superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey
/ by Benjamin Apthorp Gould
; 223
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