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Società astronomica italiana

School of astrophysics F. Lucchin

Pisa ; Roma : F. Serra, 2010
Copertina  School of astrophysics F. Lucchin
Campo Valore
Descrizione School of astrophysics F. Lucchin : 10. cycle, first course 2008, Tarquinia (Italy), June 8-14, 2008 / eds. P.G. Prada Moroni, G. Bono. - Pisa ; Roma : F. Serra, 2010
In copertina: School of astrophysics F. Lucchin : advanced stellar evolutionary phases - technologies for the next generation of ground-based telescopes
Altri legami
ID scheda 125535
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Società astronomica italiana
School of astrophysics
Bono, Giuseppe
Prada Moroni, Pier Giorgio