Seriale Seriale
India : Government Observatory <Madras>

Results of observations of the fixed stars made with the meridian circle at the Government Observatory, Madras, in the years ...

Madras : Government Observatory, 1862-1899
Copertina  Results of observations of the fixed stars made with the meridian circle at the Government Observatory, Madras, in the years ...
Campo Valore
Descrizione Results of observations of the fixed stars made with the meridian circle at the Government Observatory, Madras, in the years ... . - Madras : Government Observatory, 1862-1899
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Genere pubblicazione
  • ACNP: PT02296340
ID scheda 7259
Biblioteca Consistenza Collocazione
OANA Vol. 1(1862/64)-vol. 9(1899) Vol. 9 (1899): STOR. MOD. Cataloghi astronomici 182
OATO Posseduto: 1862-1899 ; Lacune: vol. 2 (1865-1867) 1862-1899: CANT1.2.07
Estendi la ricerca dell'opera
Estendi la ricerca degli autori
India : Government Observatory <Madras>