Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi) Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi)
Harkness, William

Observations on terrestrial magnetism : and on the deviations of the compasses of the United States iron clad monadnock during her cruise from Philadelphia to S. Francisco : in 1865 and 1866

Washington : published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1873
Copertina  Observations on terrestrial magnetism : and on the deviations of the compasses of the United States iron clad monadnock during her cruise from Philadelphia to S. Francisco : in 1865 and 1866
Copie: 1
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Prenotazioni: 0
Campo Valore
Descrizione Observations on terrestrial magnetism : and on the deviations of the compasses of the United States iron clad monadnock during her cruise from Philadelphia to S. Francisco : in 1865 and 1866 / by Wm. Harkness. - Washington : published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1873. - o/220 p. ; 34 cm
ID scheda 87877
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OAMI PREG OAMB151 19O.61. Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
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Harkness, William