Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi) Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi)
Grabowski, Lucjan

O wyznaczaniu czasu instrumentem pasażowym w warunkach polowych ; The time determination by means of a transit instrument in case of field conditions : summary / L. Grabowski . The simultaneous determination of geographical latitude and time by measuring the altitude of two stars ; A method of determining the azimuth, the geographical latitude and respectively also the time, by measuring the difference of azimuths of 2 stars and the altitude of one of them / F. Kępiński

Warszawa : Wydanie z zasiłku Ministerstwa Oświaty Wydziału Nauki, 1947
Copertina  O wyznaczaniu czasu instrumentem pasażowym w warunkach polowych ; The time determination by means of a transit instrument in case of field conditions : summary / L. Grabowski . The simultaneous determination of geographical latitude and time by measuring the altitude of two stars ; A method of determining the azimuth, the geographical latitude and respectively also the time, by measuring the difference of azimuths of 2 stars and the altitude of one of them / F. Kępiński
Copie: 1
Prestiti: 0
Prenotazioni: 0
Campo Valore
Descrizione O wyznaczaniu czasu instrumentem pasażowym w warunkach polowych ; The time determination by means of a transit instrument in case of field conditions : summary / L. Grabowski . The simultaneous determination of geographical latitude and time by measuring the altitude of two stars ; A method of determining the azimuth, the geographical latitude and respectively also the time, by measuring the difference of azimuths of 2 stars and the altitude of one of them / F. Kępiński . - Warszawa : Wydanie z zasiłku Ministerstwa Oświaty Wydziału Nauki, 1947. - 26 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Titolo uniforme
  • Grabowski, Lucjan - [Responsabilità principale] (Visualizza dettaglio)
  • Ke̜piński, Felicjan - [Responsabilità alternativa] (Visualizza dettaglio)
ID scheda 144863
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OANA PREG OANA34865 PERIODICI SD2 1.1 003 (17 Legato in miscellanea con altri opuscoli della med [...] Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
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Grabowski, Lucjan
Ke̜piński, Felicjan