Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi) Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi)
PHYSICS and evolution of stars, Symposium 2., Warszawa, 1977

Nonstationary evolution of close binaries : Physics and evolution of stars symposium, 2., Warszawa, June 20-25, 1977

Warszawa : Polish Scientific Publishers, c1978
Copertina  Nonstationary evolution of close binaries : Physics and evolution of stars symposium, 2., Warszawa, June 20-25, 1977
Copie: 1
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Descrizione Nonstationary evolution of close binaries : Physics and evolution of stars symposium, 2., Warszawa, June 20-25, 1977 / Edited by A.N. Zytkow. - Warszawa : Polish Scientific Publishers, c1978. - 166 p. ; 24 cm
ID scheda 116236
Biblioteca Inv. Sez. Collocazione Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
OATS PREG OATS003571 OA Trieste 110.5/009 Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
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PHYSICS and evolution of stars, Symposium 2., Warszawa, 1977
Zytkow, Anna N.