Jager, Cornelis : de
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Cornelis de Jager (29-04-1921; Den Burg, NL) passed his doctor’s thesis in Utrecht University (1952, cum laude) on the topic ‘the Hydrogen spectrum of the Sun’. He was since mainly involved in solar research. He was director of the Utrecht Observatory, founder and first director of the Utrecht Space Research Laboratory, and founder of the Astrophysical Institute of Brussels Free University.
He was general secretary of IAU (International Astronomical Union), president of COSPAR (Intl. organization for co-operation in Space Research) and president of ICSU (Intl. Council for Science). He founded and was first editor of the journals `Space Science Reviews’ and ‘Solar Physics’. He is member of various learned societies, among which the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Belgian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Academia Leopoldina (Halle, Germany), the Indian Science Academy, Academia Europaea, etc. He received honorary doctorates in Paris and Wroclaw. He was recipient of awards and distinctions among which the Gold Medal of the Royal Astron. Soc. (UK), the Hale Medal of the Amer. Astron. Soc. (for solar research, US), the Jules Janssen Medal (for solar research, France), the Karl Schwarzschild Medal (for astrophysics, Germany), the Gagarin Medal and Ziolkowski Medal (space research, S.U.), the COSPAR medal for international cooperation, etc. He is honorary member of SCOSTEP, the international organization for solar-terrestrial physics.
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