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(Sub)Millineter astronomy
/ Edited by P.A. Shaver and K. Kjar
; 22
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1st ESO /ST-ECF data analysis workshop : proceedings, Garching, 17-19 April 1989
/ edited by P.J. Grosbol, F. Murtagh and R.H. Warmeles
; No. 31
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3rd ESO /ST-ECF data analysis workshop : proceedings, Garching, 22-23 April 1991
/ edited by P.J. Grosbol and R.H. Warmeles
; No. 38
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3rd ESO /ST-ECF data analysis workshop : proceedings, Garching, 22-23 April 1991
/ edited by P.J. Grosbol and R.H. Warmeles
; No. 38
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4th ESO /ST-ECF data analysis workshop : proceedings, Garching, 13-14 May, 1992
/ edited by P.J. Grosbol and R.C.E. de Ruijsscher
; No. 41
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Dwarf Galaxies : Proceedings of the ESO /OHP Workshop, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France, 6-9 September 1993
/ edited by G. Meylan and P. Prugniel
; Vol. no.49
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Handling and archiving data from ground-based telescopes : Trieste, April 21-23, 1993
/ eds. M. Albrecht and F. Pasian
; No. 50
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Handling and archiving data from ground-based telescopes : Trieste, April 21-23, 1993
/ eds. M. Albrecht and F. Pasian
; No. 50
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Science with the Hubble space telescope : proceedings of the ST-ECF /STScI workshop, Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy 29 June - 7 July 1992
/ edited by P. Benvenuti and E. Schreier
; No. 44
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Site testing for future large telescopes : ESO Workshop, La Silla, October 4-6, 1983
/ Edited by A. Ardeberg and L. Woltjer
; 18
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