Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi) Monografia a stampa (non Ragazzi)
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut <Heidelberg>

{Literature 1995, part 2} Vol. 64 A

Berlin [etc.] : Springer, c1996
Copertina  {Literature 1995, part 2} Vol. 64 A
Copie: 1
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Campo Valore
Descrizione {Literature 1995, part 2} Vol. 64 A / a publication of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, produced in cooperation with the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe and the Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK ; edited by G. Burkhardt ...[et al.]. - Berlin [etc.] : Springer, c1996. - X, 703 p. ; 25 cm
Sul frontespizio: Astronomy and astrophysics abstracts is prepared under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union
Legami rimanenti
  • [Fa parte di]   Literature 1995, part 2 / a publication of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, produced in cooperation with the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe and the Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK ; edited by G. Burkhardt ...[et al.] ; 64 A
  • 016.52 - Bibliografie e cataloghi di astronomia e scienze connesse
ID scheda 119888
Biblioteca Inv. Sez. Ubi. Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
OATS PREG OATS009122 OA Trieste 1103-Biblioteca Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
Estendi la ricerca dell'opera
Estendi la ricerca degli autori
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut <Heidelberg>
FIZ Karlsruhe
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Burkhardt, Gernot
International Astronomical Union