Notizie correlate |
The Earth movements in the California earthquake of 1906
/ by John F. Hayford and A. L. Baldwin
; appendix 3 (report for 1907)
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Manual of tides. Part 4b : cotidal lines for the world
/ by Rollin A. Harris
; appendix 5 (report for 1904)
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The measurement of the flexure of pendulum supports with the interferometer
/ by W. H. Burger
; appendix 6 (report for 1910)
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Precise leveling from Holland to New Braunfels, Texas, 1903
/ by John F. Hayford
; appendix 7 (report for 1904)
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Precise leveling from Red desert, Wyoming, to Owyhee, Idaho, 1903
/ by John F. Hayford
; appendix 6 (report for 1904)
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Precise leveling in the United States : 1900-1903 : with a readjustment of the level net and resulting elevations
/ by John F. Hayford
; appendix 3 (report for 1903)
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Primary base lines at Stanton, Tex. and Deming, N. Mex
/ by William Bowie
; appendix 4 (report for 1910)
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Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic syrvey between July 1, 1903, and June 30, 1904
/ by L. A. Bauer
; appendix 3 (report for 1904)
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Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes
/ by Owen B. French
; appendix 4 (report for 1907)
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Telegraphic longitudes : the Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila : 1903-4
/ by Edwin Smith
; appendix 4 (report for 1904)
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A test of a transit micrometer
/ by John F. Hayford
; appendix 3 (report for 1904)
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Triangulation along the ninety-eight meridian, Nebraska to Canada, and connection with the Great Lakes
/ by William Bowie
; appendix 4 (report for 1911)
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Triangulation along the ninety-eight meridian, Seguin to Point Isabel, Tex.
/ by A. L. Baldwin
; appendix 5 (report for 1911)
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Triangulation along the ninety-eight meridian, Seguin to Point Isabel, Tex.
/ by A. L. Baldwin
; appendix 5 (report for 1911)
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Triangulation in California. Part 1
/ by A. L. Baldwin
; appendix 9 (report for 1904)
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Triangulation southward along the ninety-eight meridian in 1902
/ by John F. Hayford
; appendix 4 (report for 1903)
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