Risultati ricerca
Nagano (Japan) : Cosmic Radio Observing Facilities, Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory, 2002
[Tokyo] : Physical Society of Japan, 1962
Wako, Saitama : The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, 1997
New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill ; Tokyo : Kogakusha, c1960
Mitaka, Tokyo : [Tokyo Astronomical Observatory], 1937-1988
Kobe : s.n., 2001
Mitaka ; Tokyo : National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 1993-
Tokio : printed at the Insetsu Kioku, 1889
Tokyo : [s.n.], 1959
Kanagawa : Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, 2000
Tokyo : University of Tokyo press, 1977
Tokyo : University of Tokyo Press, c1977
Tokyo : University of Tokyo Press ; Utrecht : VNU Science Press, c1984
Tokyo : University of Tokyo Press ; Utrecht ;VNU Science Press, c1984
Tokyo : Universal Academy Press, c1989
Kyoto : Kyoto University Press, 2008
New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill ; Tokyo : Kogakusha Company, c1962
Tokio : University of Tokyo Press, 1972
Tokyo : Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, 1980
Itabashi, Tokyo : World Data Center C2 for Cosmic Rays, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, 1980
Kojimachi : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1974
Kojimachi : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1974
Kojimachi : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1975
Celestial Mechanics ; Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Solutions : Volume IV, Part 2
/ Di Yusuke Hagihara
Kojimachi : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1975
Kojimachi : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1976
Kojimachi : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1976
Tokyo : Universal Academy Press, 1987
Tokyo : Universal Academic Press, c1987
[S.l.] : The Institute of space and astronautical science, 1989-
Tokyo : Terra Scientific Publishing Co., c1985
New York [etc.] : Harper & Row ; Tokyo : John Weatherhill, c1966
Tokyo : Terra Scientific Publishing Company, 1983
Tokyo : World Data Center C2 for COsmic Rays ; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, 1983
Nagoya : Nagoya University, Solar-terrestrial environment laboratory ; Ibaraki University : Department of environmental sciences, 1996
Tokyo : National Committee for the International Geophysical Year, Science Council of Japan, 1959
Tokyo : National Institute of Polar Research, 1993